Within Reason
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it is within reason
to harbor the thoughts
i do
for you

when i say harbor
i mean it

they float
these reasonable thoughts
on the waters
of my consciousness
and conscience
and i protect them
from the storms
from the raging seas
my mind has become
as though my mind has fashioned arms
out into the water
embracing you
in those thoughts
holding them close
to my mental
my physical


it is within reason
that i shelter
my thoughts of you
like treasure

but i may have taken it too far...

in my zeal to protect them
i have sealed my thoughts of you
as in a glass case
in a museum
i can see them
but not hold them
don't touch that glass
motion sensors
thermal monitoring
armed guards


it is within reason
that i have become
jewel thief
stealthily entering
my own mind
mindful of the dangers
the alarms
my temperature controlled body suit
moving oh so slowly
oh so gently
suspended by wires
moving in socked feet across the marble floor
to the display i have made
at the center of my mind

and when i reach it
it is within reason
that i observe it
thru the glass
admire it's beauty
this gleaming icon
this edifice
i have constructed of you
this treasure
so close
but just beyond my grasp

i am jewel thief

mission impossible

slowly, quietly
cutting into the base of the pedestal
i have placed you on
creating an opening
underneath you
so you can fall
into my gloved palm

i separate these

solid thoughts of you
so i might carry you out
thru the treacherous night
to safety

i place one part
inside the jacket
of my temperature controlled body suit
next to my heart
where you belong
another in my pants
where you belong
and the third
in my beret
near my mind
where you belong
and i stealthily
make my way
out of this prison
with you
to the south of france
in my mind
it is within reason
that i reassemble you
before me
and once again

partake in the pleasures
that only my thoughts of you
can provide


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Last Revised: Thursday, June 26, 2008
©Copyright, Glen Eichenblatt, 2006

This site exists for the sole entertainment of its creator. There is nothing on this site that should be considered to be of any importance or usefulness to anyone. Any similarities of this site to any other damned thing in the entire universe is a total and complete coincidence. Nothing whatsoever on this site should be construed, implied or even necessarily understood.

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