My Life at Sea
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Thursday, July 18, 1996

I am floating in a sea of unattached ideas, of unfinished projects, of unfulfilled promises, of unpaid debts. These sea creatures, like sharks, circle around me in the murky waters, waiting for signs of weakness, just a little blood. I dodge them as best I can, but they bite frequently, tearing off chunks of my mental body as they do. It just gets so damned hard to swim — one grows tired, weak, anguished.

Sometimes, the waters are clear, and I am a sailboat pushed effortlessly across the surface of the waters. My rudder cuts through the dark sea creatures, and I eat the resultant sushi hungrily. But it’s so hard to find a good wind, and sometimes impossible to avoid a squall.

How does one harness the energy of this sea? Control it? No, one can only learn it’s ways, hopefully retaining its lessons in order to avoid the disasters the sea can consign.

And so I wake each morning in the midst of the waters, reluctantly prepared to discern the character of the day. It takes a long while. Sometimes I swim frantically for hours before I get anywhere, perpetually late to crawl onto some desert island populated only with waiting and wanting machines. And even there, out of the waters, the atmosphere is thick with mechanical birds of prey whirring and flashing, demanding me, demanding me. Luckily, I am largely able to meet their demands, though sometimes only after a struggle through a thick fog, when the machines’ logic alludes me. Then I put my feet in the waters again, testing them, and try to carefully make my way home to repeat the process again and again...

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Last Revised: Thursday, June 26, 2008
©Copyright, Glen Eichenblatt, 2006

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