After the Conflagration
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i saw you seeing them

glide past slow in their hovercraft

i felt you wanting to be with them

you boldly ask

once turned away

they say they're busy now, but disingenuous-

ly they want to know

if they can stop by later to

enjoy your hospitality


psarcatus leaves are raining down

tween their car and thee

loosed by winds of wanting

their chaotic flight, o gravity

are weighted in that hollow space

seeds of disappointment


not they so full of emptiness

you say again

your silent mantra/pained refrain


i cause to picture you and they

gliding past the holo-field

laughing loud into the wind

within your envelope of friends

conversation and camaraderie

i could have had a lot to say

were i there and had the confidence

alas, the image fades away

and now your pain is mine again


o how i would shelter thee

o how i would show thee how

the satellites watch over we

they calculate our lonely fates

electrons weep the failed connect

o circuits please direct we

let we

ride around in your mystery


i memory the bright

moonstar-filled night

we sat on Alem-Hem

we watched the bumbumblebees’

breezy pollination dance

above the cronflower waves

our quiet peace and our beliefs

our diamond haze and our embrace

our moons and stars, our plans unspoken

lived we one that holy moment

our bubble

if burst

could rock the whole of paradise


then came the call that caused our fall

my snaregun and my uniform

vacuum-packed, weightwaited

with transport for me

to the human conflagration

but you wouldcouldn’t come with me

to the outer Centìces ring

nor couldwould i darecare want thee to

play any part within that thing

would i could have stayed with thee

in your arms and the fields of paradise


and so i fell

and now

wouldcould i

couldwould do more

were i alive

than watch and feel

and breathe thy pain


o gods how i would shelter thee

o gods how i would show thee how

the satellites watch over we

how their electrons weep for we

o how i would reside in thee

and ride around in your mystery


above you now

in radioclouds

i watch as currents shift

adjustments to our atmospheres

alignment of our ether rift

tho gone, by grace

of holy space

by grant of guardian mind

allowed am i

glad ether tears

abundant silent whispers to

sweet confidences

in your ears


with gratitudefull ether heart

now ever i watch over thee

and ever i

and ever thee

and ever we

will be


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Last Revised: Thursday, June 26, 2008
©Copyright, Glen Eichenblatt, 2006

This site exists for the sole entertainment of its creator. There is nothing on this site that should be considered to be of any importance or usefulness to anyone. Any similarities of this site to any other damned thing in the entire universe is a total and complete coincidence. Nothing whatsoever on this site should be construed, implied or even necessarily understood.

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